I recently came back from NYC after Grand Marnier awarded me a scholarship and The Breakers helped sponsor me to take the five day Beverage Alcohol Resource (BAR) course. It is the epitome of spirits courses that is offered once a year with an average class of about thirty. After completing the course curriculum and practicals an arduous test awaited to receive a certification of being BAR Ready. It was quite an impressive class of people taking it and led by leaders in the industry: Dale DeGroff, Andy Seymour, Steve Olsen, Paul Picault, Doug Frost and Dr. David Wondrich. The course was held at the Astor Center, which had phenomenal facilities.
With a full brain, a desire celebrate surviving the course and a strong desire for a shot of whiskey...or three, I rolled right into prepping for the Manhattan cocktail Classic teaser. The actual five day event takes place May 2010, but what a teaser it was. With seminars during the day along with a fully functional cocktail bar manned by top bartenders of the nation (Yes, I was included in there.) people were able to try some spectacular cocktails created my Willy Shine of Contemporary Cocktails, Inc.
The final night gala's venue was none other than the New York Public Library. Over a 1,000 consumers came to the event, and I was there shaking crustas and smashes for the masses with Grand Marnier.
All in all, it was quite the experience on all fronts and many continued successes to The Breakers, Grand Marnier and the upcoming Manhattan Cocktail Classic.
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